That new
SVS_RenameFiles v2.5: - two modern languages have appeared: French, German;
- all configuration of the interface of the appendix now is saved, i.e. the start of the appendix is similar to the previous start with all made changes (except for addresses of selected files): the marked ticks selected wirelesses of the push button, gated in in windows of value etc.;
- the new problem has appeared [Renaming] : {of the kept in Repair file *.TXT} . Is intended for formation renaming of the text in text files (*.txt);
- a function "Null character" with the function "Null character" with a function "Null character" with function "null characters" with to change the indispensable proposals / words / characters on other gated in proposals / words / characters (still exist an option of attachment of tag similar to pressing the key "ENTER" in text editors);
- the function is exchanged [To add in a title] on a universal function [To add in a title the meter] . Now it is possible to customize the meter: an insert of the meter in the beginning / end, value between the meter and title, seed, arithmetic operating (+ - * /), discretization of value;
- the function has appeared [To add in a title *value*] , which one allows to add gated in value in the beginning / end of a title;
- in an option "To work with put in folders" was is detected and the defect is fitted: when in the folder, indicated by the user, existed 2 put in folders - infiltration implemented only in one of them;
- in renaming MP3 is tagged was is detected and the error is fitted: the tag "Title (ID3v1)" for want of "check" participat in renaming;
- in renaming MP3 is tagged were are detected and are fitted an error following is tagged: "Lyrics", "Other Sites", "Programmatic duration";
- in a window of "Preview" the line imaging quantity of objects (files + folders) in the table has appeared;
- quantity of possible "superfluous" characters in adjustments of "superfluous" characters is increased up to 255;
- the possible errors of the user are prevented at creation of the configuration of characters and "superfluous" characters;
- the error of a loading from the file of the Ukrainian configuration of characters is fitted;
- in the menu <.Service.> the new command "Set-up of the program..." has appeared, which one opens a window with adjustments of the appendix: Selection of tongue to set / not to set problems on preservation of the different configurations, to save / not to save the text of the report in the file and other conditions;
- many possible errors by the way windows of an error with illustrating by the text are intercepted;
- some spelling errors are fitted;
- the section of help of the main menu is changed;
- the window <.Help.> "About the program" is changed;
- and other changes;
- In the program SVS_ShowMP3tags: were detected and the errors, bound with tags are fitted: "Lyrics", "Other Sites"; two modern languages have appeared: French, German; the section of help of the main menu is changed; the window <.Help.> "About the program" is changed.
SVS_RenameFiles v2.4: - the add minorant {First and after *symbols* Capital} in a function [the Register];
- some titles in the program are fitted, including the word "Genre", which one remained invariable at gang of tongue;
- the creation of the user's configuration of characters became more reliable;
- In the program SVS_ShowMP3tags: now program allows to view WMA tags (34 tags).
SVS_RenameFiles v2.3:- function is corrected "To choose a folder" for MP3 tags;
- now the program normally works with MP3 the tags, renamed early programs Windows Media Player, Winamp, Sound Forge, MP3 Navigator, MuzCat, Taged;
- problems are corrected at renaming MP3 of tags for Ukraine;
- mistakes of the Ukrainian letters are corrected;
- it is added 2 new MP3 a tag: "Engineer" and "Language";
- mistakes are corrected at addition and loadings of new configurations;
- the configuration of Russian letters by default is changed;
- new function of copying of tags ID3v1 in ID3v2 and on the contrary is added;
- function is replaced "To use a name of a file for MP3 tags" on universal function "To use a name of a file". The given function allows to bring to tags (Artist, Title, Album, Genre, Year, Track) in values from a name of a file with the expanded adjustments (the order the followings dividing symbols, viewing of the turned out pattern). Also allows "to blind", on the contrary, a name of a file from tags (Artist, Title, Album, Genre, Year, Track, Comments) with the expanded adjustments (the order the followings dividing symbols, viewing of the turned out pattern);
- new names, helps, etc. are corrected and added;
- the English-speaking help of the program is integrated;
- and other changes;
- In program SVS_ShowMP3tags: Allows to look through/edit 30 MP3 tags; now the program normally works with MP3 the tags, renamed early programs Windows Media Player, Winamp, Sound Forge, MP3 Navigator, MuzCat, Taged; and other changes; new names, helps, etc. are added
SVS_RenameFiles v2.2: - it is the multilanguage version. Includes 3 languages: Russian, Ukrainian and English. The multilanguage version became both programs: SVS_RenameFiles and SVS_ShowMP3tags;
- in the Ukrainian interface of the program there is a Ukrainian converting of letters and their adjustments.
SVS_RenameFiles v2.1: - the mistake is corrected at the reference to " Preliminary viewing ";
- mistakes MP3 of files in Windows 95/98/Me are corrected;
- moving the cursor is settled by pressing button "TAB";
- In program SVS_ShowMP3tags: the section has appeared "If" does not work " " in the menu "Help"; mistakes MP3 of files in Windows 95/98/Me are corrected; moving the cursor is settled by pressing button " TAB ".
SVS_RenameFiles v2.0: - SVS_RenameFiles v2.0 is the as much as possible corrected version of the program having all MP3 tags;
- MP3 the tag "Mood" is advanced. Now it is possible to choose simply from the list necessary value (or all to enter the);
- MP3 the tag "Tonality" is accessible;
- MP3 the tag " Other websites " is accessible;
- "Preliminary viewing" renamings of the files has appeared, allowing to see and-or edit results before renaming;
- the new third task of renaming has appeared: "TEXT". The given task allows to rename universal functions any text and to keep it in a file;
- in service adjustments of the program "Adjustment of converting of letters" and "Adjustment of superfluous "letters"" are added 2 buttons: "To load a configuration from a file" and "To keep a configuration in a file" which allow to keep the user adjustments of the program from the version to the version;
- complete with program SVS_RenameFiles v2.0 new program SVS_ShowMP3tags v1.0 is delivered, which allows to look through / edit all MP3 tags (28 tags) by a choice (click of the mouse, an arrow on the keyboard, etc.) MP3 a file from the list;
- other minor alterations also are brought.
SVS_RenameFiles v1.5: - during numerous tests mistakes have been found and corrected at renaming MP3 of tags:
- In a tag "Program duration" new value was always brought.
- Some tags were not the program, in connection with casual no change in a code of the program of some part of old algorithm of renaming MP3 of tags.
- MP3 the tag "Mood" is completely adjusted and is completely accessible;
- MP3 the tag "Genre" is advanced. Now it is possible to choose simply from the list necessary value (or all to enter the);
- MP3 the tag "Genre" became accessible for ID3v1;
- new function [has appeared To use a name of a file for MP3 tags] . An example: Kirkorov - Lovely ìîÿ.mp3, in a tag "Artist" will be worn out "Kirkorov", and in a tag "Title" - " Lovely mine ";
- work of the report is a little corrected.
SVS_RenameFiles v1.4: - in connection with that it is impossible to bring in base of the program all features of arrangement MP3 of tags in files, the algorithm of renaming MP3 of tags has been completely changed. If in early versions the principle was used: "to find the chosen tag in a file, there and then it to rename and proceed to the following" in this and the subsequent versions the principle is used: "To find the chosen / non-withdrawn tag. If the tag is chosen to rename it into memories. To bring the found tag in memory of the program., etc. with all tags. After that in a file all tags leave and tags from memory of the program" will be worn out. If in early versions of the program the probability of successful renaming and availability of listening made 10 % with introduction of new algorithm this probability makes 99,9 %.
      Such statement is promoted by my numerous tests. As an example I shall result one of tests of all my collection of music on the winchester. 1540 files MP3 have been taken. In the program various ways of renaming were exposed: [Renaming], [New values mp3 to tags], [To add in the name *b.n.* +1 for the following], [Removal of superfluous symbols], [Converting of letters], [Blanks between symbols], [the Symbol of a blank], [Register] in different combinations. As a result of 1539 (from 1540) files each time have been successfully renamed (successfully - in sense: in the report and in a reality). And one file has been never renamed, and that only because at it has been exposed attribute "Only reading" (the report on it notifies); - the opportunity to choose a site of renaming MP3 of tags has appeared: ID3v1 (at the end of a file), ID3v2 (in the beginning of a file). It is by default chosen ID3v1 and ID3v2. Tags concern to tags ID3v1 allocated in the program a fat font. All tags concern to tags ID3v2;
- work of an option "is adjusted to work with put in folders" for MP3 tags;
- work of the button "is adjusted To choose files" for MP3 tags;
- now for MP3 tags all functions are accessible: [Renaming], [New values mp3 to tags], [To add in the name *b.n.* +1 for the following], [Converting of letters], [Blanks between symbols], [the Symbol of a blank], [Register] and new function [Removal of superfluous symbols] ;
- MP3 the tag "Mood" became accessible (probably to set only new value) on half;
- has appeared new MP3 a tag " Program duration ";
- new function [Removal of superfluous symbols] is added. And by default "superfluous" in one of minorant functions all symbols ASCI of the coding, besides a blank, symbols of Russian and latin alphabets are considered. It is possible to change a configuration "By default" on user;
- now the basic function of a choice of a task of renaming has 2 tasks: {the Name of a file} and {MP3 tags} . Earlier, the task entering into this list {To begin a name of a file with the letter} is transferred in function [Removal of superfluous symbols] ;
- the strip of a course of performance of process of renaming is added;
- work of the report is adjusted. Now without any doubts: green color displays reports of information; black - messages of successful renaming; Red - messages of unsuccessful renaming, a mistake and other. The Report began more interactive: if the folder has not been renamed, the report contains a word a folder (instead of a file) and other;
- emerging helps, edited some names caused from the program of a window of steel atop of others and other are added;
- the program contains full help SVS_RenameFiles v1.4.
SVS_RenameFiles v1.3: - the option of work with subdirectories has appeared;
- the option of renaming of catalogues has appeared;
- the mistake with renaming catalogues is corrected;
- function [the Symbol of a blank] {is adjusted To replace a blank on * _ *} ;
- problems with renaming MP3 of tags are corrected;
- it is closed mp3 a tag "Mood" on completion;
- are added 2 mp3 a tag "Authorship" è "Packer";
- the full help of the program is integrated;
- some names of functions, helps, etc. are corrected;
- the configuration of letters by default is changed.
SVS_RenameFiles v1.2: - transition from function to function by button "TAB" is adjusted;
- MP3 the tag "Mood" became accessible;
- mistakes MP3 of tags are corrected: "Offic. Data on a sound a file", "Offic. a source a sound" and "Offic. a website of the artist";
- serious mistakes are corrected at renaming MP3 of tags which resulted files in inaccessibility of listening;
- new function "the Symbol of a blank" which serves for replacement of a blank by any other symbol and on the contrary has appeared;
- in function "+1 for the following" now at addition "At the end of a name" between a name of a file and the counter the blank is put;
- At loading files through button. "To choose files" (MP3 tags) after renaming they will stay in memory and they can be renamed again;
- other fine discrepancies also are corrected.
SVS_RenameFiles v1.1: - the option in the menu " Service-> Adjustment of letters " is added. Now began possible to change the table of symbols. Now at converting a name of a file or a mp3-tag (for example, in translit), you can use the personal configuration of letters;
- simultaneously with it, converting of letters, such as " Russian - in English "in Russian" "and" English "in Russian" - in Russian " is possible, both in a capital variant of letters, and in lower case, and in mixed;
- some discrepancies are corrected.