Conditional designations
      Within the limits of the given hrlp the following symbols are used: - underlining of words of dark blue color means, that by pressing these words, you will pass under the reference to page which contains details of these words;
- words bracketed [] and displayed in the italics mean functions of the program;
- words bracketed {} and displayed in the italics mean minorant functions of functions of the program;
- words prisoners in * * mean changeable value the user in function or a minorant function of the program;
- words prisoners in <> designate items and subitems of the main menu of the program;
- the text written green by color with italics shows the task of an example;
- the text written green by color without italics shows result of the above-stated example.
The given reference book belongs to to the program "SVS_RenameFiles 2.5".